Sunday, January 24, 2016

Clone cable for Icom M710 radio

The cloning is done by the software supplied by Icom called ex1726. This is a program written for MS-DOS. Works on Windows 7 without any problems. However, it needs a true serial port - i.e. no USB-RS232 converters. I tried with different makes but did not succeed.

I made the cable for the radio and the schematic is as above. I used a separate power supply for the MAX232 to reduce the component count. It may be cumbersome as there will be lot of cables running around, but I could live with it as, cloning is not something you do daily. 

1 comment:

  1. If one searches the web, you will find dozens of diagrams and opinions of M-710 programming cables, However? VU3BOJ's schematic of the M-710 cloning cable is the one that works! I'm using his design here and an old Pentium 133 laptop running the Icom EX program under a DOS environment and it works. Another helpful hint is in the Icom software package for the 710, there is a "Read me" doc that can be opened up in either microsoft word or under DOS edit prompt that has further instructions on what to do to get the cloning software to work properly with the particular M-710 model, there are 4 that I know of. After you've done this you're are good to go! Hats off to VU3BOJ! - Thank You and to all out there that have read this, 73 and Good DX de N7SCQ (Abe)
